Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lights, camera, action……applause.


Like Oprah, I prefer to always have MY photo at the top of the page. However, I noticed Oprah graciously placed Michelle Obama next to her after the election.  Possessing  the same gracious spirit,   it is only proper today  to showcase this  lovely Weimeraner in my stead.   Even though one of my  species was used to entice people to come to Telluride for filmfest….we were denied entry to all venues.  I sense discrimination.

The issue of dog discrimination needs to be out in the open.  I have put in countless hours at my master’s feet watching movies featuring Kurds, Frenchmen, Italians, Iranians,and  Israelis. Owen Wilson can always get me chuckling in my own doggie way.     Beautiful cinematography is something that makes my heart sing  and my eyes water….why then was I not allowed to attend the festival.  It is the last frontier.  Does no one but the dog world see the problem I am mentioning here?  Good enough for the poster, not good enough to attend!  To add insult to injury there was an actual sign posted at Brigadoon, Filmfest H.Q., that said we could not get in no matter how cute!  I’m cuter than cute! 

You will notice that I don’t have my usual number of photos posted with this blog.  How could I?  I spent most of the last weekend locked in our front entryway on my dog bed.  A small bowl of water was left to see me through the day, period!  Every seven hours or so I would get out to pee and perhaps sniff a few small bushes and then back I had to go to the dungeon. To add insult to injury I was snubbed by Laura Linney….she walked right by me and made no comment as to  how lovely I was looking, how I was such a sweet dog.  I thought this was the final straw; but it only got worse.

Apparently at a showing of  The Last Station, the incomparable Helen Mirren appeared to answer questions at the end of the show.  I LOVE that woman.  How I would have enjoyed hearing what she had to say about her craft.  But no, I was back in the the aforementioned entryway.  Apparently, as Helen moved deftly to the microphone she was heard to say, “I hope your DOG enjoyed the show!”  WHAT?  A DOG enjoyed the show?  How can this be? My owners swear they  never saw hide nor hair of a dog; of course they were in the nosebleed section of the auditorium so they could hardly see Helen Mirren…but … hmmph!  I remain miffed. 

Perhaps in the future things will change and I  too shall be able to attend some of the films.  Next year I’ll force my owners  to take me to the park for the free films, no matter how cold  the weather.   See you later.

1 comment:

Pamela Levene said...

Just to tell you that I think you are Top dog and I am now a fan! You have a great way with words - gave me paws for thought, I can tell you.

And your humour - you are a bit of a wag, aren't you!

Unleash that talent! Keep up the dogblog!

Your new pal,

Old English