If you didn’t know…I’ve been left behind yet again. However, I’m coping. If I had had to go to Texas for three weeks I probably would have lost a lot of the fabulous work I’ve accomplished growing my winter coat. It gets pretty hot down there and my fur just falls out in hunks. Not good! However, the owners aren’t only in Texas they took off to Maine. I heard her chatting with someone that they were going to check out College.
Now that! I would have loved to do. Ever since Benjamin left me for College I’ve wanted to see what he had to offer that I don’t. However, I didn’t get invited along on the trip. I’m back down with Lane at Wash-n-Watch Dogs and trust me this is not a bad gig. More on that another day, you’ll be shocked to know all of the things we get up to at dog camp.
Flying is not something I’ve done often but when I did it was locked in a cage deep in the bowels of the plane. No one offered to take me on board and gently place me under a seat. Not for me my own personal carried-in luggage. And I have always believed I’ve been well treated and loved. But get a load of this! My owners were so taken with this little pooch that they forwarded on a photo of a dog they met in the waiting area at the airport. This little dog (looks a lot like my cousin Aspen in Canada) could check out the facilities and then be carried on board in style! Sad to say but that little floaty feeling we dogs get on Ativan or whatever is not tough to take periodically. Just takes the edge off so we can settle in and get through a new and unusual or stressful, situation. Her eyes are a tad suspicious wouldn’t you say?
Luckily a bunch of photos were emailed to Lane so that she could see what the owners were up to. I hopped on line last night when no one was looking so I could get a good look at the guy. College is an elusive little devil. I finally figured out my owners have no idea what he looks like either since there were no shots that hollered, Yeah, there’s the person that got Benj to move across the country and abandon me. It sure looks differerent up there. Telluride this ain’t.
What’s really weird is that I made some jokes about swine flu the
The place he’s hanging out looks pretty nice. I’ve never seen the
Our trees were beautiful this year but look at these. I didn’t know so many trees could turn
There is even a silly little pond they call a lake at Bates. Some very strange kids actually chop holes in it in the winter time and hop in. Now Benj says he hasn’t done that but he thinks he should before he leaves school. I say No Way Jose! Are you nuts? As you all know even I shower in warm water…why would he want to hop in that thing in the middle of winter with ice all around? Humans are so bloody weird.
He obviously likes it up at Bates because we’ve hardly seen him in four years. That College guy has a hold on him and it has to be broken. Perhaps when he comes back for turkey season we can chain him in his room and bring in someone to deprogramme him. Maybe Midnite Schulthies would come over. He’s a local; he went to Bates but he loves Telluride and calls it home. Come to think of it his wife, Judy, went to Bates too! Yeah, got to drag them into the loop somehow and have them give Benj a talking to.
Hey, wait! Is this College? I think I found him.
For Pete’s sake I think he left me for a Bobcat! What does that silly feline have that I don’t have, I ask you? OK, no one has made posters about me before but they could.
Hmmph! Think I need to stay online just a little longer. I’m going to fire off an email to Benj. Surely to God he would never have left me for a member of the cat family. See ya later.
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