Saturday, November 7, 2009

Didn’t I blow your mind this time?

Here I am heading home from a great walk.  I’m in a hurry because today is my day to  get another posting ready for you.   There are over 13,000 photos stored on our computer so I have a lot of work ahead of me.  This afternoon  is  going to be  occupied with finding  random views  around  town; these will be views that could entice you to come visit us.  In fact if working on this project becomes too overwhelming then you’ll get more photos next posting.  Sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words.  If all of my rantings and ravings about how much I love living here haven’t made you book your vacation rental in  Telluride, maybe these pictures will.  And if these photos don’t, then perhaps  an upcoming ski video  will have you saying “charge her” as you book your airline tickets!
Getting up early to take me out on a  morning constitutional is never easy for my owner.  She’s just not a morning person. However, once she gets outside and sees the sun trying to peek over the top of the mountains or catches a glimpse of a pink sky backlighting the peaks, she’s awake and grateful to be alive.   It is rare to live somewhere and notice the grandeur of nature  every morning.   Emotions stir deep down in your soul because you are always aware of how tiny you are in the big scheme of life.  Rock breaks scissor…and mountain trumps man!   
Carpets  of leaves in the early days of Fall have the same stirring  effect.  Are there any experiments that tell us why  the P1020829 colours brown, gold, orange and red  make us want to jump into a pile of freshly raked leaves  and roll and play in them for hours?  Nothing like some good leaf   wrestling to make me feel like a puppy again.  They are the Autumn  version of a snow (dog)  angel. 
P1020831 It is not my intent to make you sick with envy but just look at these views .  Can they  be beat? How lucky are we? And the more snowy it gets the more beautiful it becomes.  This cycle of one-upmanship  continues year round as our hills and mountains dress themselves in  various  shades of green come Spring.   I mean come on people, look at these next few shots. This isn’t my vacation; this is my life.  Imagine how rested you would feel after a short time away in paradise—no need of a car, no traffic jams, no road rage.

(It must have too cold for Chris  as she left us  pretty much after this hike and took off to India.  She is working with orphans at an orphanage  while we wait for ski season to arrive.  From all accounts she’s coping really well and loves the children.  This is what she did to counteract  Empty Nest Syndrome…so much smarter than my owner just crying all the time a few years ago.)
Even though I’m showing you some pretty spectacular moments in time, there are lots of mundane things that make our hearts go zing as well.  This is an active town with a fit population and everyone is outdoors enjoying everything there is to offer.  Bikes play an important role in daily life.  My owner’s friend was heard to comment last year, “I wish I was brave enough to ride my bike on the really  snowy days;  everybody looks so cool.”  After the tremendous tumble my owner and I  took today just walking over a small icy patch I’m not sure that  is the word I’d use.  But then we are newcomers and definitely rather dorky when we slip and slide….imagine how it feels to lose control of FOUR legs!   P1030030

So here we have bike tracks in the mud in the Fall.  And next we have bike tracks in the mud in the ice.  Both riders’ hands were likely very  cool!
Now I’m trying to entice you to come to town but the next photo may scare you.  There are  not too many places where you  actually have viP1020920sible evidence of ghosts leaving a building in broad daylight …but then again the current movie  hit Paranormal Activity did debut here during Filmfest…maybe it brought some bad spirits with it.  I can sniff out a ghost anywhere and this one acted with great audacity!  My eyes are on the lookout for this guy; when I find him I’ll make short work of him!  Look closely, you’ll see him just leaving the left hand side of the  top third of the building. Cheeky devil!

When you come to town, notice I did not say IF, you will think this is an idyllic place to be a child.  You will be correct.  During ski season the kids have traditionally taken one afternoon off per week to ski the mountain.  Although it would not be my first choice of something to do in the snow, humans tend to love being out on those boards for hours at a time.  During P1020884 the summer you will find children playing in traditional tree forts, running around yelling, “'I’M  IT.”  Pretend gun fights are often taking place just below our patio.  My owners love it because it reminds them  of their  boys when they were growing up. 
I  want to add that it is obvious   how much everyone loves dogs.  You see dogs doing things they  don’t always get   to do   in other parts of the country or world for that matter.  I see dogs running in Texas too but they are always on a leash.  The owners look frazzled as if having the dog off leash is just too much work, tooP1030036 scary….fraught with the hazards of butt sniffing.  But, (oops) trust me folks when we’re on the run we don’t have time for that.  Look at this guy…he ran right by me and I barely heard what he was yelling at me over his shoulder.  It was something to do  with   sorry, gotta run, will stop to sniff next time.  And  now get a load of this guy.   As a typical Telluride dog he  was  friendly and very patient. He never made one peep as he waited for his owner to get his groceries and hit the road.   He sat up there and tried out  a bunch of different positions just to show off.  OK, I told him, I have yet to sit  on the roof of a truck but I could if I wanted to, so there!

I saved the best for last.  Have you ever seen this before?   Honesty is my trademark so a) I did not take these two  photos and b) these animals  don’t live in town or even hang around town any more.  Surely the mouse is dead by now.  Hopefully the rest of the crew is alive and well.   This  first  picture reminds me of the gingerbread boy riding on the snout of the fox! Town used to be freakier a while back (oh, and we loved it so)…but our freakiness has toned down.  Yes, we still find a group of people every year who want to ride down Main Street naked and  we get crazy Fourth of July parades with women in garters  acting all smoochy on their floats….big deal.  But this was in a different category of freaky.     Jeepers, now I’m  nostalgic for yesteryear….I guess that is because  I’m getting older. 
Mouse Cat Dog In Telluride by ☆   Tabrel.

The mouse obviously did die as these are two different mice.  I’d credit the photographer but there was no sign as to who it was, oh well.   See ya later.

Check out The Delfonics...and let them blow your mind.  Ah...the good old days.

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1 comment:

Susie said...

So true, Casey. Telluride is an awesome break from the outside world!