Don’t know what we’d do if the kids were still living here. Gee, I barely managed to get squished into a spot in the back of the truck. However, a new dog bed was in place and waiting for me so I can’t complain too much. Heck, driving to Arizona isn’t that much tougher than going to Montrose for some groceries and a Sephora and/or Starbucks fix. Luckily we picked good weather to make our trip. The roads were perfect, traffic was light, and everyone was in a good mood.
We aren’t sure but we wonder if some early Europeans dropped by and stole ideas for their Cathedrals. I mean really…..these rock formations are absolutely awe inspiring. One thing you need to keep in mind is that every single photo was taken (often THROUGH the window) at 75 m.p.h. as Curly raced down the highway. This was point and shoot at its most elemental, no time to look for the perfect angle, how to show the glorious structures to their best advantage. No, it was definitely whip out camera, point, click, and hope something was in focus.
Do you think a flying saucer landed in this one location? It looks possible and I think Arizona has one of the highest sightings of U.F.O.’s anywhere in the U.S. Perhaps that is because of all the wide open space it enjoys. You can drive for hours and not see anything at all. Check this out.
Like, it wouldn’t cross your mind too! eh? It is just sitting there in the middle of nowhere looking exactly like a you know what parking spot. (pretty good for 75 m.p.h. don’t you think).
As we pass the Ute and then the Navajo reservation owner and Curly begin the conversation they have had a hundred times before. Where would the world be today if (well not me since I’m a dog but you know what I mean) we had adopted even a bit of Native Americans’ respect and reverence for land and animals, Mother Earth I guess. What would it be like if we hadn’t killed off entire species just because we could; if we had shown just a smidge of concern for the earth from day one rather than use it as our own personal gift box to do with as we pleased. Everyone gets depressed and the conversation dies.
If you want owner’s opinion, and granted after all these months you probably don’t, she thinks Arizona is the most amazing place to live. She and Curly and the boys lived there before they lived in Houston, you know. She feels it has everything. You probably think it is just a hot dusty desert. No siree Bob…it has the mountains you see above, the San Francisco Peaks with Mt. Humphreys being the tallest. Obviously with good snow pack you can ski in the winter, go home and have a barbeque on your patio, as you enjoy some of the most incredible sunsets on earth. Rattlers—yes, she’s seen a few but they left her alone. In fact they saw her coming and skedaddled. Owner was even lucky enough to see a gila monster (that’s HEEELA Monster just in case you wondered) and two desert tortoises on one hike. Desert tortoises only come up from underground a couple of times a year so this
was a very special day for her. Owner asks me to tell you this, “if you are fortunate enough to see a desert tortoise, please don’t touch it.” Humans can pass along a respiratory infection through the touch of their hands and then the poor tortoise dies. Not good. No idea what a sniff from yours truly would accomplish.
Always keep in mind that baby rattlers are the most dangerous….they just don’t know when enough “venom” is enough. The big guys are a bit smarter and generally want to get away from you but babies aren’t quite as intelligent. If you wonder if this is true, check with David’s friend who nearly lost his arm! Brandon….you are a survivor!
Soon we zoom by Flagstaff and end up on the Mesa we love. Owner and curly get a little misty eyed remembering all their trips up and over the mesa when the car was filled with their kids. Every Christmas some unknown would run out and hang decorations on a bush or Mesquite tree (no one remembers what exactly) and it would make everyone’s holiday trip as they drove on up to Telluride for some skiing and some snow. Now, of course, they don’t have to do that because they chose to move to Telluride permanently.
So much rain fell this winter that everywhere you look are flowers and grass. Summer is going to bring a lot of fire danger to Arizona this year as the grass dries and turns brittle. At the moment all we can say is this….COWS EAT YOUR FILL NOW. You have no idea how good you’ve got it. It’s all downhill.
Well, no doubt about it. We are in the Sonoran Desert now. Only place in the world with Saguaro (sa-wah-ro) cactus. They say it is one hundred years of living until one begins to grow its first arm; it takes some people that long to develop common sense, but hey that’s another story. These guys are full of water and should one ever topple on you you will not live to tell the tale. Trust me, it has happened…..remember that common sense I was talking about…the tales are intertwined.
Finally we arrive at Mars’ house. He’s some Scottish thing a McNab or a MacDab…a highlander at any rate. He’s not AKC but not a mutt like me either. (Ginny, Stu…Scottish dog, tartan and all that? huh, huh?) What a great new
pal. One sniff and he’s all over me like white on rice. We hit it off instantly if you didn’t get my drift. After two solid years in Telluride it is nice
to stretch out on the patio and enjoy the warm Spring evening. Nothing like a hint of jasmine in the air as I lie near a palm tree. Hey, where’s my drink? See ya later.
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