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Don the foster dog and I got a little dirty today so we had to get into the glass torture box. Can you imagine she put us in there together. It was very embarrassing. I’m not used to someone seeing me au naturel. You would wonder who she could live with me for seven years and not noticed my tendency to modesty. Here we are curled up in front of the fake fireplace; I’m fluffing up and Don is drying out. Don’t let it get around, but I’m starting to enjoy the little fool’s company.
Saturday was a special night in Telluride. Just to be fair…they weren’t really dancing in the moonlight but they sure were skiing in the moonlight. Cindy Farney put on a really cool spread on the Valley Floor, and might I add she did this completely out of the kindness of her heart. Due to “dog prejudice” we could not attend but I hear it was great. Fantastic comes in many forms…first the food was delicious, second the food was free, third the food was eaten in the moonlight, and fourth you had to ski to the various stations to participate in the progressive dinner party. Nothing like exercising your food off instantaneously. It was open to anyone in town; cross country ski rentals can hit the roof on this night. Owner and curly haired were bowled over by how much fun it was. Who cares if the moon wasn’t quite as brilliant as the night before; everyone was in a good mood and being outside in the cold crisp air by the light of the moon was novel and exhilarating.
Owner has no idea where all this fog substance came from. It didn’t appear foggy at all, there was no fire, but a lot of photos kitchen had this fog. Rather eerie—former residents of the Valley Floor in attendance? Perhaps. She told me the hardest part about the whole night was being able to get your skis on and off in the dark…..she can hardly see in the daylight so you can imagine her problems.
Every time they go out they think about how much fun Yael would have found this sport. It is the perfect sport for her because she loved the Valley Floor and walked it every day. Best news – no mosquitoes in the winter, no bears to think about. All the loops that the Nordic Centre manages to work into the trail add a lot of distance also.
Owner and Curly haired had to walk three minutes to get on the cross country trail. They slapped on their skis and skied about a mile to the first pit stop. Lucky owner…they landed at the dessert table and everyone knows that Cindy has always known how to make GREAT COOKIES, GREAT BROWNIES….dessert as a first course. Who’s complaining? How much fun is it to ski right up to the table? It was a perfect temperature for a night out on the VF but even so the brownies really wanted to freeze to that pan. Everyone laughed and joked about needing to use their ski poles to pry out the dessert.
A young boy, (and not this boy in the photo but we love his photo) kept saying where’s the stupid bread? Where’s the stupid bread? He seemed so happy and contented that his words didn’t matchc his cheerful face. After a few repetitions owner realised he was only asking, “where’s the soup and bread?” She’s had her hearing tested and they told her she’s fine but I have my doubts.
On they skied. Slowly the trail was lightening up as the moon began to rise from behind the mountains. Everyone’s eyes were adapting to the light. Some people had lights on their hats to help them find their way. This is not CITY DARK….it is DARK DARK as you can well see from this photo. That’s the little groomed track on the left that a lot of the Nordic skiers like to use. Those incredibly fast skate skiers have to zoom right down the centre lane. I know owner and curly haired want to learn how to do that too. Lauren and owner and another woman, Linda, are tossing around the idea of taking a lesson with Midnite. My camera better be handy for that.
Although I wasn’t allowed to attend this event, apparently Cindy did a great job with the soup. Everyone had a cup of Leek and Potato to warm them from the inside out and the word on the street is that it was delicious and really hit the spot. Of course, Cindy bread is equal to the best bread in France so there were no complaints about that either. On they zoomed to the drink table…about half a mile or so away. Hot cider awaited. Nothing like a little hot apple cider to warm the bones.
By now the moon was on the rise. Brings to mind another song but I’ll let that slide for now. Everyone was in awe. Nothing beats a night out in the crisp clear air, watching families enjoy themselves on their skies, and doing all of this by the light of the moon. As our friends Michelle and Chuck can attest…
.when the moon begins to rise in Telluride there is no stopping it. One second you see a tiny bit of light behind a mountain and the next there it is -- full frontal! Crazy.
If you haven’t visited Cindy Bread while you are in town, you are missing out on some great treats. Try the croissants! I may only be a dog but I know a good thing when I steal one. Cindy may not run the bakery any more but her quality still exists. If you haven’t been out on cross country skis in the moonlight – well head to Cindy Bread and pack a picnic and take off. You’ll never regret it. I’m going to go as soon as the rules change and dogs can zoom about on the Valley Floor. Can’t do it yet but you never know…..a dog can dream. See ya later.
( I mentioned that I’m starting to like this little foster dog, eh?…but he still needs a home as we have to go back to Texas for a couple weeks and he can’t come with us….we have broken him into fine shape for someone who likes exercise and wants an incredibly loving companion).
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