Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Hallowe’en





Between pumpkin carving and travelling 1,200 miles we are exhausted.   So this week…just a few jack o’lantern photos to enjoy.

I usually stay away from sharp objects.


I think I know this guy!


My friend Eloise says to eat your veggies.



Good Lord this is taking forever



Jack loves me too – look at his grin!


  I hear a bunch of people are coming over tomorrow to make fools of themselves so I should have some good material for you next week.  AND, a few dogs are likely dropping by too.  How lucky am I.  I LOVE Hallowe’en…..maybe not as much as Owner’s Dad  (81) who spent two hours in the  costume department sorting out his costume for this Hallowe’en.  Now there’s a guy who really gets the importance of letting loose and being a kid forever!   Stay safe.  See ya later.


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