Monday, March 15, 2010

An extra treat for you loyal readers


Because you are all so wonderfully loyal….I get tons of hits per day from all around the world….thought you might enjoy some cool Iditarod photos from an Alaska Newspaper.  These are especially posted for all of you who have never lived in snow, never felt so cold you thought your nose would fall off, or never even known dogs are still pulling guys around up in the Arctic on a marathon quest for first prize.  Let’s face it this race is all about the dogs….people are important but without us no sleds would run.   Enjoy!

Don’t forget to share the website with your friends – worldwide friends gratefully received.  Also, I’m on Facebook on the page called  Telluride Dog Blog…sign on and become a fan.  Love to have you join me as I update you on all things doggedly important.  See ya later. Casey.

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